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May 5 to 11, 2025 – Mostra D’Oltremare – Naples


Artistic Direction: Max Gebiola
Event Direction: Eduardo Quinto
An artistic kermesse organized by the clown therapy association Teniamoci per Mano ONLUS.

The countdown to the Smile Clown Festival has begun!

The event will take place Mostra D’Oltremare – Naples.

The cultural competition
is aimed at clowns and professionals and will feature:
  • artistic performances;
  • trainers;
  • and international artists.

The festival is designed to highlight the figure of the clown, their technique, emotional aspect, and their ability to connect with the audience during their performance.

Festival Prizes:

  • 1st Prize 800,00 €
  • 2nd Prize 300,00 €
  • 3rd Prize 150,00 €
  • Antonio Orlando Special Prize

Competing artists will also receive an expense allowance of €100.00 and accommodation in Naples for two days.

elemento richiamo naso rosso
Smile Clown Festival 2024 Giulio Carfora

The Competition

The competition is open to all clowns over 18 years of age and their act creators, which can be individuals or couples.

The online and qualified selections will be viewed by an internal artistic commission of Teniamoci per Mano ONLUS.

Participants may only present an act that is a maximum of 12 minutes long, centered around the theme of inclusion.

Clown in concorso allo Smile Clown Festival
Iscrizione Smile Clown Festival

How to Register

Don’t hesitate! Submit your entry or attend the competition to cheer on your favorite clown!
